SWORD Piły Taśmowe enterprise is my client since 2009 and I had a pleasure to help in various projects. Today, it is a specialist company that has been supplying band saw blades and band saw machines, cooling, and lubricating fluids as well as cutting accessory equipment since 1989.
Recently, We decided to redesign the whole corporate website. My task was to create modern, html5 responsive website, with one-pager style. After few prototypes and proposal designs, we finally achieve SWORD idea and I was able to develop the whole thing.
Web site includes more than 100 subpages, translated to English and Russian. There is big knowledge center inside and it is shopping-ready to use.
Client: SWORD SP. Z O.O. SP. K.
Date: 02-03/17
Soft used: AI, PS, HTML5, CSS3, WordPress